St. John Fisher

St. John Fisher
Catholic Primary School

Our Lady Fatima

Academy Consultation


Consultation regarding the proposal for St John Fisher Catholic Primary School to convert to Academy Status and to join Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Multi-Academy Trust, Harlow.

After careful consideration and preliminary discussions with the Diocese and within the Governing Board, the Governing Board has decided that they wish to explore conversion to Academy status and joining Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Multi Academy Trust, Harlow.  A period of consultation now begins, and a response form is attached.  The governors want as many members of our community to have every opportunity to present their views on the proposal.

How to take part in the consultation process

Your views are important to us, so please take the opportunity to complete the attached response form and return it to the school office in an envelope clearly marked ‘Consultation Response’. Or please complete the online form  The closing date for receipt of all forms is Monday 21 March at midday, after which the Governors will meet to discuss your replies.

Parent meetings

The governors of the school voted unanimously to apply to the Department for Education to convert the school from its current voluntary-aided status to an Academy, and to join the Catholic Multi-Academy Trust of Our Lady of Fatima in Harlow. We are now applying for permission to undertake this conversion over coming months and hope to complete the process by 1st September 2022, which is our target date for this to take place. Our decision followed our consultation with parents and carers and with staff and other community bodies. I would like to thank all those who
took part in these consultations: it is clear that the governors’ concern to provide the best possible Catholic primary education in our school is matched by parents and carers. 

The Letters and presentation

Parent Consultation Feb 2022.pdfConsultation response form Feb 2022.pdfStaff Consultation Feb 2022.pdfAcademy FAQs StJF.pdflettertoparents-boarddecision_29.3.2022.pdffrequentlyaskedquestionsfrommarch2022consultation.pdfProposed Academy Conversion - Parent_Carer Presentation March 2022.pdf


Proposed Academy Conversion - Staff Presentation March 2022.pdf