St. John Fisher

St. John Fisher
Catholic Primary School

Our Lady Fatima


Additional support


Useful Resources

Brainpop video on the coronavirus for KS2

Maintaining your wellbeing, including when staying at home or indoors -Very helpful emotional and practical advice

Cbeebies Radio - Listening activities for the younger ones.

English Maven - This is full of activities which can be completed online and produce results. Try keeping a log of the activities chosen and the mark achieved.

Top Marks Maths - Hit the button - challenge a family member- who can get the highest score?


Motivational Quotes

It’s amazing what good thoughts can do to a person. When you think positively, that energy expands from within you. This glow makes you look beautiful, inspires others, and makes you a pleasant person to be around. Your thoughts spread energy; choose happy energy.


“If you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.” – Roald Dahl